Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by!

Let me make something very clear.
I know the BEST "team mom" of all time.
It ISN'T me.

Her name is ZORI and she is the MAC'DADDY!
(LOBO Football Shout-out)

I'm a mom that has a HOUSE FULL of athletes.

I have a passion to feeding my family well but not go crazy
in the process.

I want to teach other moms to do the same. 

So, here we are.
I can pretty much convert any meal to non-process
have lots of tips along the way to save your $$.

With that said, I welcome you to send me your recipes that you
love and I'll convert it to an easy to semi-easy "homemade" meal.
Also, send me your food troubles and let me take a whack at
helping you:)

Why do I bring athletes in this?

Athletes need to fuel themselves.
I'd rather fuel my athletes premium fuel.

I am not saying I know everything there is about nutrition.
OR that I always have a home cooked meal.

I am saying that it easier then most think.
Lets begin!


  1. Sherie, any suggestions for healthy snack ideas to keep the kids full in between meals or games? What are your thoughts on protein shakes?

  2. First, protein shakes are a debate in this house. My wonderful hubby has good intentions but doesn't always think of the fillers in those icky powders.
    Let's remember that our body can only absorb so much protein at one time. If you want to eliminate the powders all together and yet still get a "protein shake" in...Here's a good alternative.
    16 oz of whole milk (you could do FF milk but the fat is good for these kids)
    2 T of Natural Peanut Butter
    2 T of Ovaltine
    Crushed ice if you desire.
    This will get you 30 grams of protein!
    Right now the protein powder of choice is the Egg White protein powder. I haven't looked too much into it but it taste good with less fillers. If you don't want to do powders then eat a boiled egg. It is a fabulous protein (way better then those powders). 1 boiled egg contains around 6 grams of protein.

    Now, for snacks.
    If we're talking between meals then fruit with peanut butter or cream cheese mixed with a little bit of powdered sugar (little bit), 1/2 sandwiches of almost any kind. My rule of thumb is that a snack is a mini meal with a good mix of protein & carbs. It's also a good time to sneak some veggies in.

    Now, between games. This has to be more thought out. Most athletes can't have too much in their bellies during game time. This might be a good time to remind y'all about eating 24-48 hours before games, especially days with multiple games. Athletes need to think of their food and water intake 24-48 hours BEFORE game day.
    Meat (maybe cheese) and crackers with some fruit to nibble on is a great "between games" snack. This won't hit heavy in their bellies which might slow them down.
    A hamburger, in my opinion, is NOT a good "between game" food to eat.
    Chips and a candy bar would not be wise.
    The BIGGEST key is to take 5 minutes to prepare the snacks and throw them into a cooler/bag.
    Seeds, nuts, and dried fruit are also great to have in your bag/purse for even mom/dad watching and feeling the munchies:)
    A good clean or homemade protein bar is always best to have in your bag.

    So in conclusion,
    Make that protein shake for your kids after athletics boost because they need that after working so hard.
    Always keep a protein bar and maybe some nuts, seeds, and dried fruit in your purse/bag. You don't need a ton and weigh your purse down, just something.

    Commit to say no to the "easy" foods.

    Hope this helps. It's not everything I have but enough for now.
